Crown Princess Mary in Washington DC and Boston

Crown Princess Mary in Washington DC and Boston

Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary were on an official business promotion trip to Washington D.C. and Boston from September 27-30.

Day 1, September 27, saw Frederik and Mary attend a reception a the residence of the Ambassador of Denmark in Washington D.C. The reception was for the business delegation and specially invited representatives of art, culture, and diplomacy. While at the reception, Frederik presented the HRH Prince Henrik’s Medal of Honour to Annette Rachlin from “Scandinavian Furniture by Annette Rachlin” who received the medal for her work promoting Danish design in the United States.

This blue number is actually a jumpsuit by YDE Copenhagen from the SS16 collection. Mary previously wore it back in May. Her shoes are Prada.

On Day 2, September 28, Frederik did a run around The National Mall with US veterans before he and Mary visited the U.S. Chamber of Commerce where Frederik gave a speech (and Mary was presented with flowers). The couple then attended a business lunch under the theme of sustainability. In the afternoon, Mary visited the Children’s National Medical Center where she toured the hospital, met patients and their families, and read the fairy tale The Emperor’s New Clothes.

Mary also visited the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). Mary was formally welcomed as a member of ICRW’s Leadership Council, and she presented ICRW President Emeritus Dr. Geeta Rao Gupta with the 2016 Champions for Change Award for Innovation. Mary said: “ICRW is an organization that aligns closely with my personal belief that all human beings are born free and equal in rights and dignity.”

Mary wore a dress we are all too familiar with: the Vilshenko “Jerry” floral-print silk crepe de chine dress ($1,785) which Princess Charlene wore to the Pique Nique Monegasque. Mary wore blue Gianvito Rossi pumps.


In the evening, Mary and Fred attended The Grand Ball at the Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building. The gala was attended by the business delegation, local partners, selected US politicians, and representatives of the Danish Embassy. Frederik gave a speech before he and Mary took to the dance floor.

Mary’s pretty strapless, geometric gown is by Julie Fagerholt and was previously worn in 2009. Mary’s aquamarine earrings are by Annikat, and her bracelet is Cartier. She wore Gianvito Rossi pumps.

Day 3, September 29, Frederik and Mary visited the exhibition “On the Water” in the National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution. They then visited the Veterans Affairs Medical Center.


Day 4, September 30, saw Frederik attend the DONG Energy Breakfast Event in Boston, which focused on offshore wind energy for a new energy law in Massachusetts which opens up new market opportunities. Fred then visited the Harvard Kennedy School and presented a $250,000 scholarship donation from the Crown Prince Frederik Fund.

Frederik and Mary were greeted in Boston by Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker and Mrs. Baker and Lt. Governor Karen Polito.

55 thoughts on “Crown Princess Mary in Washington DC and Boston

    1. +100

      Very mature, regal and gorgeous CP Frederick and Mary, Denmark. The trip seem stately, fun and professional.

      Take a look on other sites, the arrival at the Smithsonian Gala and the little girl looking quIte impatient, handing/holding CP Mary flowers – so funny- she look as if she was going,to throw the flowers if CP Mary hadn’t hurry {which Mary did !hurry!); CP Fred and most standing around was smiling.

      Thanks KMR!

    1. That Fagerholt dress is beautiful – and I’m not a fan of busy prints but it works here.

      I am still extremely pissed that the Danish Government sold of DONG Energy (formerly a nationalised company) to Goldman frigging Sachs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And for less than its value. Sorry for the mini-rant but my lovely country is going to hell in a handbasket – fast.

      1. Good to hear from you AH hope you’re doing ok? We could have a separate blog to discuss politics…. Brexit, the US election…..but not here.

        1. I’m OK. I agree that this isn’t the place for politics but since the CP couple attended a DONG event I felt it was OK to point out that DONG Energy is no longer a Danish company and that the circumstances of how it came to be sold to Goldman Sachs is sketchy as hell and a political hot potato. I really wish that the CP couple hadn’t attended a DONG event because of the political connotations. It was the same problem when the Danish Foreign Ministry sent them to visit Saudi Arabia last year. Something that was hotly debated in the Danish press. The DONg event is basically the Danish CP couple turning up to an event for a company whose profits now leave the country.

          The problem here is not the CP couple themselves but the fact that the current government (which is completely morally bakrupt and borderline corrupt) is using them politically, which is troubling because the royal family is required to be strictly apolitical in a constitutional monarchy. The Danish RF is completely dependant on public funds but if they feel that they can’t say no to doing events and visits that are more or less obviously political in nature then the constitutional monarchy is in trouble. The royal family can’t bee seen to serve the party politics of whatever government is in charge.

          1. I gather you are Danish, ArtHistorian – I would be interested to know: how s CPM’s Danish? (Vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation) do we know whether they speak Danish only to their children, or does she speak English to them?

          2. Mary’s Danish is fine but she does have a noticable accent and she can sound a bit stilted. Danish is a very difficult language to learn, especially when it comes to pronounciation and Danes are a bit chauvinistic when it comes to foreigner learning the language. Prince Henrik has been mocked for decades because he has a strong French accent. Sometimes people only hear the accent and not the words.

            I have no idea what language the couple speak in private. They spoke English in the beginning – because it is important for a couple to on an equal footing in the relationship. I know that the Queen and the Prince Consort mainly speak French privately though.

  1. Good evening everyone. I hope you and yours are all well and happy. KMR thank you for a wonderful page yet again.
    Crown Princess Mary – This is a woman of substance, (wasn’t that the name of a movie back in the day, or was it a Novel?)
    Crown Princess continues to keep up the momentum of being pro-active. I think she sets a wonderful example
    What she has achieved in just over a decade (I hope that’s right!) is hugely impressive. To me she always looks engaged, attentive, interested and enthusiastic. She diligently just keeps the wheels turning.
    You may not always like what she is wearing but she is always impeccably and appropriately groomed as her latest trip above shows.
    Have to agree with Candice Prince Fredrick is a sharp dresser!
    P.S 14 days tomorrow before we move, excitement is building. Looking forward to a better quality of life!

      1. Good morning all,
        Thank you ladies for your kind words. My daughter and I appreciate it greatly.
        Tanya S we are moving to the Hunter Valley in NSW. We have been travelling there and accessing a very good support system for nearly 9 years now . The hospital where she has ongoing treatment is in the area as well as her specialist dr’s etc..
        Jenny she is stable at the moment thankfully. She has had her setbacks but as I say it is the nature of the beast.
        Rhiannon, I will be relieved when everything is packed. Unpacking is the worst !
        Must not complain I just need to get on with it.
        Hope you all have a lovely day.

  2. There was plenty of criticism I saw online about their tour as being lightweight and Mary’s expensive clothes, but looking at the summary, I’m quite impressed. Mary did events on her own, and interacted with children in a more substantial way (reading a story) than we publically see with Kate (although Kate has done things in Britain in the past, like a puppet show and a cameo in a kids play). Fred, like Harry often does, participated in the actual athletic endeavor as opposed to making a brief, nondescript statement of support. And, the tour touched on different subjects like the economy, the arts, and healthcare. I think Kate and Wills tours often seem muddled – the main purpose of the Canadian tour was to highlight mental health, I believe, and India’s was to highlight conservation. But, I think most people when asked about the tours would say the Canadian tour was about George and Charlotte and the India tour was about the Taj Mahal picture on the “Diana bench”. I fail to see how the tours therefore really boost Britain. I guess we’ll see on Tuesday if Kate has anything substantial to offer in the Netherlands.

    1. I saw criticism of Mary’s clothes being new and expensive but she wore mostly repeats so I’m not sure where the clothes criticism is coming from.

      1. There is a very vocal minority of Mary haters online. To them she’ll never do anything right.

        She repeats her clothes way more than Kate (and Maxima for that matter) though I kind of wish that she’d leave that weird short jumpsuit in her closet (the same goes for Maxima who has a similar one – knee-high jumpsuits is just a big no-no. They’ll never look good).

  3. I really like these two! Sure there are things to criticise (like with every other royal) but reading theit tour schedule, and also looking at the previous ones, it’s clear that this wasn’t just fun events and a short holiday abroad with some journalists around. The managed to combine business, diplomacy, culture, art… One can enjoy the engagements while doing important work too!

    Also like that Fred and Mary split up to cover more events and to do their thing too. You really know what Mary stands for.
    I might said it before, but just look at the hospital visit. Bringing attention to the hospitals work, making some kids happy and at same time sharing some part of Danish culture as she read a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It can be so easy….

    Plus, they went straight back to work in Denmark again and are not hiding somewhere or taking a break.

    P.S. Frederik really looks better with age!

    1. On State Visits the Danish royals almost always travel with a delegation of business people (and sometimes diplomats) – their visits are almost always in support of some Danish business and/or cultural initative taking place at the place they visit. It has been the norm for decades. I’ve never understood why the British royals don’t do that but maybe that has something to do with the fact that many of their tours are to Commonwealth countries (former colonies)? Denmark is a very small country that very much depends on brand value.

      1. Yes,there really isn’t any need for them to travel with a delegation of business people when they visit a commonwealth
        country.I don’t know about countries that are not part of the commonwealth though.

        1. I entirely disagree …very nicely. We need to trade beyond Europe and we need to compete on the world stage to get the deals with Commonwealth countries. We can’t assume they’ll trade with us for historiacal reasons. So the Royals need to help this happen, surely that is a key function.
          Of course it would help if Kate and Sophie stuck to British and Commonwealth designers, and stayed away from D&G , Prada etc. When on official business.

          1. “I entirely disagree… very nicely” Love you Birdy:) I think that the historical reasons allows Britain to easily trade with commonwealth countries,but for countries such as Japan and China its different.

      2. Thought about that before too and couldn’t come up with a good explanation. Maybe because those countries are part of commonwealth or different kind of business culture!? Yet bringing some along for business, science and so on couldn’t be wrong.

        But still the events the British attend could have more substance and bring them closer to people. Nothing stops WK from doing solo engagements. Why didn’t Kate do more for mental health or William smt related to his “job”… they have all chances to use their position to make a difference but yet what we remember from the tour is the kids and Kates clothes.

  4. Did Frederick jog around the mall with veterans? That is some good jogging. If he just did the section with museums (capital building to Washington monument) that is around 4 miles. If he did the entire mall (capital to Lincoln monument) it is over 6 miles. Good for him either way. I bet the weather is cool and the leaves are changing colors, a great time to be outside. I grew up in the D.C. area so this post made me reminisce a little.

  5. This royal couple are very polished and puposeful. Love that Fred jogged with servicemen. Love how they each took separate events to represent their country.

    Also love Mary’s geometric gown. I am confused about royalty’s place in today’s world, but I think this couple delivers a professional message.

    In comparison, W&K don’t have much of a purpose through their own indifference to how much the world desperately need strong positive symbols for a rapidly changing world. I can’t abide their continued self absorption.

    1. Indiana, I agree with you. The world needs strong and positive role models. People who will encourage and inspire others. You saw that with someone like Princess Diana. You see that with the Swedish Royals and with the Danish Royals, too. I often wonder if Royalty is still necessary today, but I am American and my way of life has never revolved around the monarchy. Still it interests me, right? I come to this blog often enough. Like so many have said before, myself included, it bothers me that William and Kate are squandering the opportunities they have been given to do things that will impact people favorably. Their interest in mental health is something that could do that, but whatever they have done so far really does little to wow me. I truly wonder if they will ever achieve anything in any arena, and I wonder if there will still be a seat for William on a throne in the decades ahead..

      1. +1

        Mary Elizabeth, As an American I don’t feel that my opinions regarding the BRF matter, but I comment because W&K come off as false and ungrateful. They live a life of incredible wealth totally dependent on tax payers’ generosity, but they seem indifferent to justifying this accident of birth windfall. It wasn’t until the most recent Canada tour that their protests of wanting to be normal started to really appall me. They are so unmoved by other people’s generosity. They make no effort while everyone around them has prepared and cares deeply to give their best. W&K have the same petulant sense of entitlement that a spoiled adolescent who has no real life experience would exhibit.

        That’s why even though Fred and Mary also enjoy incredible wealth as royals, I do give them some credit for their professionalism and their work which gives them some credibility as people who care about the well being of their country’s citizenry.

        1. I know, Indiana. The latest trip to Canada did highlight their inability to be grateful for the well thought out and generous nature of their host country.
          They are squandering opportunities and they just cannot seem to relate well to people from all walks of life.

          It’s sad that those who often are given so much in life do so little to make things nicer/easier for those who work so hard for so little.

  6. I think Mary dresses very well. There are a couple of hit and misses (that blue jumpsuit) but most of her pieces are nice and she does repeat. I like the gown with the print for the gala.

    Side track: Kate emerged in a dress I own!! I’m kinda bias on the dress obvs lol.

    1. I was actually shocked when I realized the blue outfit was a jumpsuit! I first thought it was a dress and really liked it, but even as a jumpsuit it is… Dressy, so I have to give it a pass although I generally hate jumpsuits!

      1. I’m generally not keen on jumpsuits but Mary has one that I quite like. It is cream and black with a large, very bold yet simple graphic pattern. However, the short jumpsuits are just horrible. I wish that both Mary and Maxima will hide theirs in the clost and forget about them.

  7. What a great tour! This is how you mix multiple interests in one trip. They also did solo engagements which allowed them to cover more ground. Denmark has two great representatives. Could you imagine Will running 4 plus miles and doing an engagement after? I also adored the video. From Mary greeting the little girl to their dancing, you can tell they love what they do. She even spun Fred. And I’m sure you could do a selfie with them and it not be a problem.

    I can’t believe that is a jumpsuit. I’m normally not a fan. And it’s coullotes (?). She is always impeccably turned out. I cringed when I first saw that gown. But it grew on me as she wore it with confidence. And Fred…..that is one dapper and handsome man.

    Thanks for covering this tour, KMR. The differences between the Canadian tour and this are night and day.

    1. I think that slight train of the gown also gives it a bit of an edge that such boldly patterned gowns generally lack. That, plus the confidence with which she wears it actually makes the whole outfit look regal yet modern.

  8. Mary knows how to carry herself gracefully even with recycled clothes .And she really does some work .Their tour really counts .
    Hope William and Kate learn something from them.

  9. First time commenter but have been lurking for a while. We were actually staying at the Intercontinental Hotel in Boston where TRH were staying. I walked out of the hotel ahead of them one morning and got a picture of CP Mary. She was very beautiful and gracious. She offered to walk over to the few of us standing there and take pics, but unfortunately her security detail told her she didn’t have time. This was the morning they were going to the State House, and she was in the cream dress. I was quite shocked as I had no idea they were even in town!

  10. I am not sure why, but I think Frederik and Mary don’t look close (as do the Troudeaus, for example) — a few years back at a UN event (I think it was), which ‘Bill ‘n Cathy’ also attended, all four were interviewed outside the conference building, Mary was asked a question and was answering it, when Frederik cut across her, cutting her off in a manner I found very rude…. Is all well between the two of them?

  11. It’s too bad Kate’s never reached out to other royal ladies like Mary, Maxima, Victoria and Madeleine, etc. They could help her understand her role and what she could be/do in it. Instead we get her floundering about following William “I Don’t Want To Be King” Middleton’s lead.

    I’ll add my name to the list that loves that ball gown. Mary has some misses, but more hits (at least that’s what I think) and this one is definitely in the win column. She looks confident and wears the dress instead of acting like a breathing hanger.

    Love reading the stories about the other royal families KMR!!

    1. I really like that gown and wish Kate would wear something like that (instead of that awful Erdem mess she wore last year).

  12. First, to KMR – thank you for letting us know that you are safe. (I just read the other post on Kate’s Dutch museum visit but forgot to comment there). Being through a hurricane is scary. I remember preparing for Hurricane Andrew back in 1992 (IIRC), and it was scary even though it petered down to a tropical storm before it hit my region. (I no longer live there or in the States).

    Second, thank you and the commenters for keeping us posted. I don’t like William and Kate, and I had such high hopes for him. The American ambassador who wrote a scathing review of him back in his teens was right. I wish he had learnt from his grandparents and from the successful married younger generations of European royals. I think that even some ex-reigning or ex-royals (from deposed houses or long-deposed houses) do more work for their (former) communities than this couple.

    The second picture with Crown Princess Mary bending down to accept flowers made me do a double-take. I know we’ve said and so has the DM, but the likeness between her and Kate is striking if you don’t look at their faces. But such a difference in posture. I can’t imagine Kate ever bending down (let alone getting on her knees) to accept flowers. I accept stiffness from the likes of Princess Anne raised in an older generation and much older to boot. But I wish – like so many others – that Kate would learn from the many female commoners who have made the transition to successful royal women. (And praise too for Prince Daniel of Sweden!).

    Finally, I’m so happy that you highlight the Swedish royal women. The more I read about them, the more I admire them. Queen Silvia has raised two royal daughters who have married the right partners and do a wonderful job as royals. And of course, I love the grandchildren, especially the grandbabies. In contrast, I have no feelings of warmth towards the largely hidden George and Charlotte of Cambridge, although I remember feeling interested in William and Harry.

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