2015 in Review: Biggest royal happenings

2015 in Review: Biggest royal happenings

As we wind down 2015 and look forward to 2016, I thought it would be fun to look back at the biggest royal happenings of the year. This year seemed to be all about the Brits and the Swedes with several big events from both families, though there were big events from other families as well. There were multiple births, multiple christenings, multiple weddings, multiple pregnancy announcements, and some big birthdays, among other things.


Both Kate Middleton and Princess Madeleine gave birth to their second children this year, with Princess Charlotte born on May 2, and Prince Nicolas born on June 15.

Princess Madeleine's son 1


There were even more Christenings than there were births, as the Monaco twins were Christened this year as well. Prince Albert and Princess Charlene Christened Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella on May 10.

Monaco Baptism 16

The second big Christening of the year came on July 5 when Prince William and Kate Christened Princess Charlotte.

Princess Charlotte Christening Photo Cambridge family
[Mario Testino]

October 11 saw the Christening of Prince Nicolas.

Leonore squirming at Prince Nicolas Christening

Pregnancy Announcements

Prepare for even more babies next year as there were a lot of pregnancy announcements this fall. The two biggest came from the Swedes: Crown Princess Victoria announced her pregnancy on September 4, and Princess Sofia announced her pregnancy a month later on October 15.

Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle
[Kate Gabor/kungahuset]

20151015 H.K.H Prins Carl Philip och H.K.H. Prinsessan Sofia.


Everyone celebrated a birthday this year, but there were a couple royals who celebrated big birthdays this year. Sophie, Countess of Wessex turned 50 on January 20, and Queen Margrethe turned 75 in April.

Sophie blows out candles at Tomorrow's People
[British Monarchy Twitter]


The Sweden and Monaco royal families were two who celebrated weddings this year. Prince Carl Philip married Sofia Hellqvist on June 13.

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia official wedding portrait
[Mattias Edwall/Kungahuset]

And Pierre Casiraghi married Beatrice Borromeo first on July 25 (in Monaco) and then on August 1 (in Italy).

A photo posted by Armani Official (@armani) on

State Visits

There were lots of State Visits this year, but I’m only going to mention three. First: The Dutch State Visit to Denmark on March 17. This was a big one, with monarch visiting monarch, especially considering Daisy is King Willem-Alexander‘s godmother.

June 1 brought us our first State Banquet debut of the year, where a tiara-less Sofia Hellqvist joined the Swedes in welcoming the President of India.

Sweden State Visit from India gala dinner royal family

October 20 brought us our second State Banquet debut of the year, where a tiara-ed Kate Middleton joined Prince William at their first State Banquet, welcoming the President of China.

Other Big Happenings

Prince George made his Trooping the Color balcony debut on June 13.

Love her or hate her or “meh” her, Queen Elizabeth II became Britain’s longest reigning monarch – surpassing Queen Victoria’s reign – on September 9.

Queen Elizabeth longest reigning monarch
[Mary McCartney]

December 8 saw the return of the Cambridge Lover’s Knot Tiara (after a good 24 year absence – the last time I found Diana wearing this tiara was in 1991, it that correct?). Duchess Kate wore the tiara for the first time to the Diplomatic Reception.

The Blog

While the above happenings are what I consider the biggest royal events of the year, I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what the audience was most interested in. How do I put this in a way Kensington Palace will be comfortable with… oh wait, I can’t: it’s Prince George.

The top three most viewed articles in 2015 were about Prince George: 1) George in Mustique in February; 2) George at the beach with Carole in July; 3) George at the park with Kate in April. The fourth most viewed article in 2015 was Princess Charlotte’s Christening in July, and the fifth was Kate’s State Banquet debut in October.

I’m sorry to tell you, KP, but clearly people want to see photos of the Cambridge kids more than they want to see photos of the Cambridge parents.

While people may want to view photos of Prince George more than anyone else, it was Kate and Charlotte who brought out the discussions. The royals attending Christmas service was the most commented on article of the year, followed by Princess Charlotte’s Christening. Rounding out the top five were: 3) Kate wearing the Cambridge Lovers Knot Tiara in December; 4) Kate dining with Carole in December; 5) Kate releasing two new photos of Charlotte in November.

So people want photos of George and want to comment on Kate and Charlotte. I guess now I understand why the Times cropped William out of the Cambridge family photo. Poor William.

Times Cambridge crop

One last thing: I want to remind everyone to please be civil to one another. I appreciate all of you and am thankful for a great 2015 here at the blog, but the growth of the blog over the last year has put some strain on me as a moderator which we’ve felt a few times this fall. I am one person and cannot be on the blog at all times which means by the time I come back there are a ton of comments on an article, which is great, but also means that if there is a dust up I can’t always catch it in time (and even when I do, it seems like I always upset someone).

I know the anonymity of the internet allows us to say things we wouldn’t normally say in real life but please remember there are real people on the receiving end of our comments. Please remember that we do not know the mental state of the people reading our comments and our words can be very hurtful – both words we intended to be hurtful and words we did not intend to be hurtful (because one person may take a comment in a completely different way than we intended). Also remember that tone cannot be translated via text and misunderstandings can happen a lot because of that, and something that wouldn’t seem so harsh in person can seem very harsh in text. Also, misunderstandings can be blown out of proportion when a comment is left for many people to comment on before the original commenter can come back and clarify. And though I know it is very tempting to reply to a comment we think is too out there, please remember that some times it really is best to agree to disagree and keep scrolling.

My New Years resolution for this blog is to be a better moderator, but I am going to need you guy’s help in order to do that. Firstly, again, please be civil to one another. Secondly, please be civil to the royals – there is no need to be mean to them as people. Their clothes are fair game and the way they handle themselves is, too, but there is no need to call their faces ugly (they can’t help how they look, just as none of us can). Thirdly, if I do step into a conversation and try to shut it down, please don’t take personal offense. I never mean personal offense, I’m just trying to calm things down.

There is a lot to look forward to in 2016 and I’m hoping this blog will be a fun place to be. Thank you.

242 thoughts on “2015 in Review: Biggest royal happenings

  1. Thank you, KMR. I just discovered your blog this year and I love this forum. I have learned a lot and laughed a lot. Thanks for putting this all together.

  2. Thank you KMR for the end of year round up. I was kind of surprised that it’s George with the most hits. That must be followed closely by the Swedish royals? I’ve loved see the posts about the SRF and especially Estelle and Leonor. That picture Madde posted did make me think that Leonor was just about to wriggle away.
    You made a good point with your last comments and I hope everyone will take heed and abide by them. I will certainly try my best!
    Have a great New Year and best wishes to all for 2016.

    1. I was very surprised that George’s candid photos were the most viewed articles. What surprises me is that George’s candid photos got more hits than his official photos or his engagements (like visiting the hospital or Trooping). So odd.

      1. Do you think that they may be the most viewed because they are also candid photos of Kate? She was in them as well so it may be the combo. I like candids of Kate since they aren’t staged. For me, it wasn’t about George

        1. Not all of the candid photos had Kate in them. The photos of George at the beach were with Carole and not Kate.

  3. Thanks KMR for putting this blog together. Your hard work is so admirable. I have learned a lot from this blog and appreciate the camaraderie as well. Your research and writing on the topics at hand have been impeccable. I have learned to scroll and move on! Thanks for the bit at the end. Very helpful. I am not surprised that the Cambridge kids would be the most important topic given that they are hidden in Amner. Looking forward to, what I think will be, an interesting 2016!

  4. Like Amy, I discovered your blog only this year. You write so well, with every article supported with sound, quality research. In short, this is a site of great credibility. The blog has become an enjoyable daily ritual. I enjoy the community here: posters’ insightful observations along with contributions of historical knowledge, or origins of parure etc. I think people are a combination of curiousity coupled with an underlying unvoiced concern when George and Charlotte are rarely seen. The children seem to be withheld as a sort of weapon, to be used at the whim of their parents. Very unhealthy. It will be interesting to see how KP ‘wrangles’ the press in 2016, whether it’s pushed further still, and how the latter’s retaliation plays out.

    1. Thank you, Jen. People really seem to be interested in George, especially, and Charlotte. The Cambs/KP could use this to their advantage if they weren’t so desperate to hide the kids away. 2016 will be very interesting.

  5. Hello KMR just to thank you very much for the end of year round up, and as always, your incredibly hard work in producing such a wonderful blog. May you and your family have a peaceful and healthy New Year 2016. My best wishes to everyone on here also; I don’t often comment, but I am a frequent ‘lurker’ – that’s just me.

  6. I too am a newbie and am loving it. One thing that always strikes me is that there seems to be genuine rapport and friendship between the European royals with the BRF not included. Surely HM / PC could ask for some help for Kate from the likes of Max, Mary , Charlene who have stepped up to the plate as commoners marrying royals? Princess Grace was helping Diana in the early days and had she lived would have been a great sounding board for Diana. They could learn a thing or two from the Swedes about giving more controlled access to their kids which people would love. My favourite post of 2015 is the little Christmas video by CP Victoria and family – something similar with George would be so well received .

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more for Kate to reach out to Leti, Mary, Victoria, Sofia, and the list goes on. So many nice European royal women!

    2. I agree, and welcome Birdy! I don’t think the BRF wants to be closer to the other European families. Maybe its just me, but I think they feel a bit above the rest, especially because the BRF enjoys(ed?) so much popularity around the world whereas the other families are known more in their own country and a limited other places. What’s interesting is how the other families are quietly growing in popularity, helped significantly by the internet and twitter. Other families are more open about posting pictures especially of their cute kids, along with charity activities and the occasional family snap that are creating a loyal following, compared to W&K’s limited activities with no speech or significant involvement, and invisible kids. If this growth continues, hmmm…

      1. I think you are absolutely right but it is such a shame. The BRF probably think because of the Commonwealth etc they are better, but can they not be first among equals? I really think the younger British royals could learn from their European counterparts. It shows most in all the big family events that Edward and Sophie are the ones who attend not Will and Kate or Charles and Camilla. Not thought of it like that before.

      2. Ever since WWI the BRF have been oddly insular when it comes to their European peers, which I have always found odd. It comes off as snobbish though that might not be the case. In my eyes, the BRF has always appeared as the least modern, the most insulated and most “stuck up” of the European RFs. It may very well have something to do with the longevity of its leading members but they do seem to be stuck in a time-pocket. They are definitely the least approachable and from my own experience most Brits don’t give a damn about their royals. Probably because of that studied remoteness that is of an age that is long gone. The Queen Mother set the tone for so long and she most definitely lived as if it was still the mid 20th century (rumour has it that she payed her staff what would have been reasonable in the 1930s and that QEII had to make up the difference).

        W&K contines that remoteness for their own purposes (i.e. William’s paranoia and resentment) but it is a dangerous course since they need to establish a rapport with the public as well as neeeding the public to invest emotionally in them. The constinutional monarchies exist on the suffrance of the people and the government and it would be fatal for them to forget that. If William continue on his course for the next couple of decades, he may very well make himself irrelevant.

        1. As a Brit I think our royal family should consider abdication or we will always have very old monarchs. Charles is unlikely to become king until in his 70’s and may well live to 100. It seems to work well in Europe. I’m not suggesting HM it is against all she believes in but the next generations. ArtHistorian you are my favourite poster I have learned a lot from you in the last 10 days while tucked in bed with an infection.

          1. Thanks. *blushes*

            Abdication only seems to have become something of a positive tradition in Holland. I do think it is nice that the new monarch doesn’t have to lose his or her parent to become monarch. I always feel incredibly sorry for QMII when I see photos of the day of her proclamation, the day after the death of her beloved father – and her grief is so apparent in her face.

            I loved how the recent Abdication and Investiture in Holland was such a joyous event.

      3. I agree that the Brits seem to think they are above the rest of the European royals. That’s the vibe I get, too.

        1. The British royals think they are above everyone. And it may be true as The Queen is said to be (secretly) the richest person in the world as an awful lot of their wealth is hidden or not declared.

    3. Hi Birdy! I don’t think I welcomed you yet, so welcome. As far as the European royals having much more camaraderie than the Brits, that is so true. The European royals seem to get along very well and the Brits seem left out a lot.

      1. There’s article by (I’m not sure if it’s in the Daily Beast or Daily Mail..most likely DB by Tom Sykes) where it is stated that the BRF don’t send out royals much because Charles doesn’t like mingling with the young Kings and Crown Princes. In a lot of occasions, only the monarch or 1st in line is deemed appropriate and sending out a lower ranking one might be interpreted as an insult.

      2. Legend has it that king Farouk of Egypt once said that, someday, only five kings will be left in the world, those of the poker cards … and the king of England 🙂

  7. I welcome all the new commentators but I fear one or two are trolls. I think a couple of older commentators are watching them with the same worry.

    1. Hi JL, I’m not exactly sure what a troll is… I sure hope I’m not one? It sounds bad anyway. I’m new so I’m always a bit concerned to comment, but I love this blog so much. I just discovered it a few months ago, and boy has it been a breath of fresh air.

      1. A troll is someone who posts comments with the specific intent to create trouble & drama, (whether or not they actually believe their comments or not.) KMR is a FANTASTIC blog and I feel warmly towards 99% of commentators here & thank them for their intelligent, honest responses.

    2. Hi JL,

      I’ve been lurking around for a long time am not worried. If one ignores them, they will go away. No need to waste time typing although it feels really good to do so.

      My guess is that one person has multiple personas.

      1. Absolutely agree – I haven’t replied to them, ever. I’ve held back saying anything (wondering if it was just me being cynical perhaps) but this post seemed appropriate as it addresses going forwards.

    3. I too have notice that the last couple of dust ups we’ve had were started by commenters I’ve never heard of before. It really made me angry to see them upset everyone and then sail off into the sunset, leaving behind a trail of hurt feelings. I know that I will be keeping a better eye out for that so I don’t get pulled into their nonsense again.

      1. Well put, Lauri! I have to remember myself to just move on when I see post like that. I just get too emotional and angry. I have learned!

    4. JL, thanks for having the courage to say something about the one or two who seem to be intent on causing trouble at KMR.

      I may be wrong, but I am going to ignore them. They are trying to stir things up and I think the only way to spoil their fun is by not reading or responding to what they write.

        1. Amen! So true. Frankly, it is unsettling.
          If people think they are passing themselves off as legit, they are underestimating the intelligence of KMR posters. We are one savvy bunch!

    5. Ah, thank you JL. That is what I have been noticing lately. KMR is gaining popularity, which is great, but it also seems to bring real Kate fanatics. The sugars sometimes seem disguised but always praise Kate a little too much. It’s evident they only come on defend and make Kate seem better than she is. I am actually getting tired of some of the sugary comments. I don’t mind praise for Kate when she does good, I have given it. But praise for praise sake is why I don’t read other blogs. I just hope the comments here aren’t going to start turning that way.

      1. Overit it was you & a couple of others I had in mind as older posters who may agree and are keeping an eye out too ( in my original post ) I’m so glad you agree! I really didn’t know whether to say anything or not, but I feel almost defensive of KMR & the effort she puts in to this – it really has riled me that one or two (whether from KP or not) are seeking to sabotage.

        I am HUGELY encouraged by the agreement of everyone that we will stand strong & protect not only the blog, but the very very lovely KMR herself.

        1. Maybe, it’s the conspiracy theorist in me, but I believe someone from KP is trying to rile things up so the blog will fall apart. It really shows that KMR has made it!

          1. Oh I love that thought Runner! KMR you have really made it. I too have noticed the trolls and others have said they stir things up and then sail off into the sunset. I too will try to avoid them and will not reply to anything that looks to be intentionally inflammatory.

          2. JimmyBilly probably has some free time to fangirl for thee fair waity on the interwebz!
            Combine the whole squad and you’ve got yourself an average benchwarmer!

    6. Agreed. I know I promise to do whatever I can to either ignore, scroll, or positively redirect to help KMR. I think that’s the best 2016 gift we can all give you.

    7. Thank you JL for courageously bringing up the troll issue. I was surprised myself when I saw a couple of over-enthusiastic praise for Kate in the last couple of updates from a handful of commenters whom I will not name. While we try to find the good and bad in every fashion situation, some recent comments made me wonder if Kate or KP are punking us—most likely not—but it briefly crossed my mind. Anyhow, I was tempted to respond but held my tongue. No use feeding these trolls.

      1. Yes, JL, thank you! I have really struggled with them lately and should have ignored them–when I engaged them. Thanks for bringing this issue out in the open so we know how to approach them going forward.

    8. I’m relieved to see I’m not the only one who suspected some trolling. I know I don’t post much, so I probably don’t look much like a long-time contributor, but I have no interest in rocking the boat.

      I do appreciate the general tone here that KMR has provided, and I like the friendliness in general of people who comment. There’s something to be said about level-headed criticism that always remains polite and well-intentioned.

      1. +1. So true. I am glad this conversation is playing out now, at the end of 2015. KMR is a valuable resource for so many. I would hate to see it torn apart from self-serving trolls, as per the dust-up a little while ago. Great that other posters are being vigilant. It did cross my mind that if KP inserts overly positive remarks in the comments section of the general press then it is feasible to target popular critical blogs with the same intentions.

  8. KMR thank you for making a horrible year bearable. This blog is the first I check every morning. The articles are wonderful and I I love reading the comments. Some of the back and forth gets intense but so much is just fun to read. May 2016 be a banner year for everyone and I’ll be watching for that engagements announcement from KP about a certain Ginger Prince and one of our regulars.

    1. vikiv, horrible in general? I hope not for you personally.

      I have a good feeling about 2016. Hope I am right.

      Hang in there and continue to come to this blog for support and intriguing news on the Royals.

    2. I hope you are ok, Vickiv and that 2016 is better for you! Hang in there. It’s been a rough one for me as well. Let’s raise our glasses for better 2016:-)

        1. Thank you mary elizabeth! We owe so much to our great founder! What a brilliant blog! Thanks KMR and am thankful for all the great posters, including yourself mary elizabeth!

        2. Thank you Mary Elizabeth and Runner. My husband passed April 2 after several years of chronic illness. I’m doing better every day and my daughter graduating college in Nov and getting married 2 weeks ago really kept me on my toes. This blog and all of the great comments really have helped. So 2016 look out we’re ready to rock!

          1. I’m sorry to hear of your loss Vickiv and hope that 2016 will be much better.
            Have fun at the wedding and I’m sure your husband will be with you both in spirit.

          2. Sending you a hug Vickiv! Glad we can all be here for each other and have a snug chat about the daily going’s on. I hope you know if you need anything, we’re here for you.

          3. Oh Vickiv, I am so so sorry. That is so much to go through. Just know that we are here for you on this board so if things seem overwhelming, please reach out on the board. I am just so glad that the internet has bridged the gap and we can help one another in this way whether by being there physically (if someone lives in the vicinity–and I mean that!) or just talking through it. We are here for you 🙂 A big hug from me!

          4. So sorry to hear your sad new Vicikiv but so glad to hear that a graduation and a wedding are helping you move forward. Here’s to a rocking 2016!

          5. I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband, but am glad that your year ended with some highs.

      1. My sincere sympathy on the loss of your husband, vickiv. What a sad time for you and your loved ones.

        I loved what was said about your husband being there in spirit at upcoming family weddings I so hope that will be true and be of comfort to you.

        Know that we are here for you. May the coming year bring you peace of heart and mind and may the love you shared with your husband always live in your heart.

  9. Thank you so much for a wonderful recap. I declare this the year of the Swedes. They are a wonderful contrast to the BRF.

    You’ve done an awesome job on this blog. You should rest and relax over the next few days. Be proud of the quality and community that this blog provides.

    1. Hoping that you meet a special Prince. Then, you sweep him off his feet and the rest is history! Can’t wait until that happens! All the best in 2016!

    2. 2016 will be the year of Swedish babies, with Victoria and Sofia both having babies.

  10. Thank you for all of your hard work on this blog KMR. It is a great place for keeping up to date on the royals, learning more about them and having some great discussions.

    Very much looking forward to 2016. And it’s no surprise to me that Prince George was number 1, he has more personality in his little finger than either of his parents.

    1. Lisa, hope you are well and that your surgery has helped you tremendously. I realize it was a tough year, but to have you back and in top form is great for us here. I wish you the best.

      1. Thank you mary elizabeth. My surgery was a great success for me. I almost wish it would’ve happened sooner, but all things come when they are needed. I’m definitely looking forward to a bigger and better 2016.

        I wish nothing but all the best for you and everyone here in the new year!

    2. I know I am new to the blog and have probably talked far too much 🙂 I just wanted to say I am happy that your surgery went well:-)

      1. I would never think of you Runner as talking too much. I enjoy reading your insightful and intelligent comments–particularly about the privacy issue with the royals. That was a slam dunk from a very smart lawyer.

          1. No, it was not too much at all. Quite the opposite and very insightful unpacking of privacy laws and how they can be/ are being abused by the BRF when it suits.

  11. Let me also offer thanks to you, KMR for this wonderful blog. Thanks to so many of the wonderful people who post many positive comments here, too. As for trolls? Get thee gone!

    It also surprised me that George’s posts got the most comments. Wow, there were posts on Kate’s appearances, or clothing, that seemed to rack up over 180 comments, each. And, her little boy steals the show! You go, George!

    And, yes, KMR, KP better listen. There is a huge interest in the children and while we don’t want to invade their privacy too much, more info on them would be appreciated.

    I also love the Swedish Royals. They are so warm and caring and such a generous group when it comes to sharing themselves with others. Here’s to the the new little babies about to enter that family and the mom’s and dads who will lead them into this world. May all go well for each!

    KMR, don’t be hard on yourself about your moderating skills. You always come through! And, this is such a big responsibility for you. Just putting this post together on a consistent basis requires so much research and such dedication and good writing. Then, you have to jump on and off throughout the day and make sure that things are not getting too out of hand. If I recall from what you wrote in the past, aren’t you studying, too? You are one busy woman! And, you never let any of us down. Thank you!

    I think the warning and reminder to recall that there are other human beings on the other end of each and every comment is something we all need to remember. As for the trolls who come and go, I know it is easy for them to post their little shots, too, and then just skip away. But, I think respect for you, KMR, and those of us who take this blog seriously, needs to be kept at the forefront of each mind before each person drops a little “bomb” of some sort. (Trolls and others, I mean).

    We can agree to disagree and quite honestly, too much political correctness is just as bad to me as are some of the nasty remarks. Let’s be real. Let’s be fair and let’s all give KMR a round of sincere applause for such a great site and place to be heard.

    Happy New Year all. Love little Leonore and her squirmy ways. Loved how she looked in the little red dress with the gorgeous white collar on the other post. The dress Maddie herself wore years ago.

    Love littlel PG and his antics. What a little imp.

    Hope W&K can get with the program and begin to actually enjoy some of the responsibility that comes with their roles. We want you both to succeed and have good lives. Truly, people want you to do well.

    And, may our beloved Rhiannon and Harry finally get together in the New Year. Who among us doesn’t want to see PH and R happy? I know Rhiannon already is, but Harry? He needs to find true love!!! He has captured hearts all over the world. Now, it’s time for his heart to be captured by the right woman. Oh, another Royal Wedding!!!

    Happy 2016 to everyone. May health and happiness be there for all.

    1. George’s candid photos got the most hits but Kate and Charlotte-related articles got the most comments. As bland as she is, Kate is definitely a conversation starter.

      I agree with you that too much political correctness is also a bad thing. We should be able to call a spade a spade and be critical. But I do think it is important to remember that there are real people on the other end of our comments and that they might not take our comment as we intended and we could easily hurt them with our words. It’s not about being too sugary or politically correct, it’s about getting our points across in the best way possible and being nasty toward others hinders our arguments.

      I wish W&K would allow the world to view G&C the way the Swedes and Albert and Charlene do. People want to connect with G&C and W&K just aren’t allowing them to.

    2. Sorry to burst your bubble but I don’t think Harry would get a ‘royal wedding’. There is already a a petition against it as well. It would probably be a low-key event; no other royals or dignitaries invited unlike Wills & Kate’s because he is not the heir….more like Zara & Mike’s wedding. Probably limited photos as well.

      1. I don’t know, I think there would be. Andrew and Sarah had a royal wedding and he wasn’t the heir. Plus, it will be the last major royal wedding for the BRF in a very, very long time (George or Charlotte) so I think there might be one just for historical purposes. They do put on a great show.

        1. Yes but Andrew is the son of the Monarch. Harry is only the grandson and not even the ‘spare’ anymore (5th in line now) so there’s no protocol for him to have a ‘royal wedding’ i.e. with other royals invited. Even though he’s Charles’s son and Charles likes to pretend he is already King, he isn’t yet, so although it’ll likely be a flashy affair it wont be a ‘royal wedding’ so no TV coverage and limited photos (if any) photos released to the public.

          1. The press would be pissed. A Harry wedding with very limited press coverage would be a PR mistake considering the press has been hungry for a Harry wedding for years.

      2. Oh, now, then let’s start another petition — well, not we Yanks. A petition saying Harry (and Rhiannon’s wedding will be a Royal one). Everyone loves him and he certainly is presenting his family in a more positive light than the Cambridge’s are. And, his wedding won’t be boring like theirs’. No, Rhiannon and her sense of style and the love between the couple will be perfect for media coverage and will warm everyone’s hearts.

        Seriously, if Harry does not have a Royal wedding, what will the point be? At least, for me.

        1. Harry is a guarded as William is about his privacy it appears. Both have tried to keep their relationships out of the press. I think William would have had as low-key a wedding as possible if he had been allowed but being the heir he had to have a ‘royal wedding’ with it on TV. Harry will try and keep his out of the press I imagine; Anne’s son Peter and fiancee Autumn got told off for selling their wedding photos so even if he wanted to I don’t think there will be many photos released to the press. They are going to go crazy trying to get some though!…..Wonder surprise me if, knowing Harry as the rebel he is, he elopes and marries on a beach somewhere and let’s everyone find out after its happened!

          1. His marriage would not be legal if he eloped. As 5th in line, Harry needs the sovereign’s official written permission to marry for any marriage to be legal.

          2. Unless he chooses to remove himself from the line of succession and go back to being a private citizen and then he could do what he likes! He has his own money and has had a career separate from being a prince (sort of).

        1. It was on the gov.uk website; I was actually looking for it last night but I couldn’t find it. I saw it last year I think; somebody started it saying ‘we, the people, don’t want to pay for another royal wedding’ but it might have been closed due to not enough votes (probably).

      3. If Prince Charles becomes King Charles before Prince Harry gets married then a royal wedding may be more likely. However, given how the BRF insulates itself from its European peers (no need to have a grand wedding to invite the other royals to) and because Prince Harry seems to like his privacy, I would expect a non-royal wedding too. I would hope he and his honey would sell the photos with proceeds going to one of his charitable efforts. Then again, he may remain a bachelor. I don’t know if I believe the reports that he wants to settle down.

  12. “If it feels good, don’t do it!” I always stick by this when I start to type emails, posts etc…

    May the new year brings joy and excellent health to KMR and everyone here so that we may post entertaining essays here..:)))

    1. HI Beatrice, I’ve been dying to know how your Christmas Eve outfit turned out, did you stick with the black tights or go with nylons? I am so impressed that you made your outfit and obviously it was good enough to wear on Christmas Eve, I couldn’t make an outfit that would acceptable for Halloween, so hats off to you!!

      1. Hi Lauri and Runner,

        I actually wore the outfit with nylons since it was SOOO WARM here. Thanks for remembering.

        My outfits are simple and clean lines so they are relatively easy to make for seasoned tailors (which I am not). I started to learn how to sew 4 years ago and although not the best outfits made, they are wearable. :))) Something I am very proud of myself since I never had the patience for sewing. Sewing was not just a skill learnt but a means to achieve patience for me.

        That’s why you see me a few times, criticizing fitting issues especially the Duchess of Cambridge who sometimes has very poor fitting issues.. When I see an outfit, I see not the design but how it fits.

        Again, Thanks for remembering ladies.

        1. Very cool! I am so glad it worked out. You are a great asset to this board too–since you can see things we can’t as regards the lack of tailoring of Kate’s outfits.

        2. That’s awesome that you learned to sew. And yes, Kate has fitting issues with a good number of her clothes.

  13. Happy New Year to KMR and everyone here. I agree, with KMR’s resolution and will stick with it. Think before you ink, as I read. May the coming year be troll free, whatever a troll is.

  14. I’ve only just started reading this week, but I’m hooked! I’ve been catching up on posts and comments at work to entertain myself during dead moments. I have noticed in the comments a few unnecessary opinions coming out, and I don’t like drama, and I probably won’t even comment that much to begin with. Anyway, you seem to be doing a great job to me, I hope all your wishes come true for 2016!

    1. Please comment, Tessa! I noticed you had a great comment yesterday 🙂 There has been a bit of drama with a couple rude posters. Agree with your attitude of not getting caught up in the drama. A lesson I must learn myself! It’s the attorney in me. All the best in 2016!

      1. Tessa, feel free to comment anytime. The more the merrier. As for people who stir the pot, that is just part of the commenting on blogs and those who are sincere and have worthwhile things to say are welcome anywhere.

      2. Runner I remember when you said you were new and might not comment much. And now look at you! I’m so glad you have become such a frequent commenter :). So Tessa I hope you won’t let that hold you back

        1. I know it’s so addictive! KMR has the best blog, seriously. It’s so unique because it’s not just a blog with comments; it’s also a community where we support each other through our ups and downs in life. Very unique and awesome! So thankful for this blog 🙂

        2. Thank you, Overit, for encouraging me! I remember those couple comments where you welcomed me and told me not to go. Very sweet of you 🙂

    2. Hi Tessa! Welcome to the blog. You’re welcome and encouraged to comment anytime you feel like. I hope we don’t cause too much drama for you.

  15. Thanks KMR for a great 2015 Royal Roundup! I am so thrilled that you’ve started covering other royal families, with Kate’s small “work” load you wouldn’t have much to cover if you only covered her, so Thanks!!

    Thank you for the gentle reminder to keep on eye on our behavior. I have found myself getting pretty snarky when I’m having a bad day and hope that I haven’t hurt anyone’s feelings. I agree with JL up thread, we’ve been seeing an increase in posters here and that’s great but there have been a few that I feel come here only to further their pro-Kate agenda and purposely say things to get reactions. I don’t know if there is any way to deal with that other than not respond to comments that are obviously meant to upset the group.

    Anyhow, I would like to wish KMR and all the wonderful friends I have met here a Happy, Prosperous and Joyous New Year! You are such a great group of people and much applause to our fearless leader!

    1. Your comments are always great and never negative whatsoever. I am sorry if I caused any drama. I was reacting to those pro Kate folks when I should have let it go. I have loved your comments and of course, shoulders back!!! 🙂

        1. Queen Leti has the perfect ballet posture! Kate needs to take some ballet classes or ballet barre. Get those core muscles stronger! Maybe, we (with you at the helm) can craft a workout for her in our comments to improve her posture. Then, Jason will tell her what to do. Haha! Ok, I will stop 🙂

    2. Who here doesn’t immediately sit up straighter when they see Lauri? 🙂 I appreciate all your comments, thoughts and support. I remember back earlier this year when I honestly struggled to get up in the morning, and this blog was one of the few things that made me smile enough to push on to the next thing. Your kind words were much appreciated, plus encouraging me to come back. Thanks for all you do to make this a fun, positive place to share our thoughts, and hoping you and Mr. have a wonderful 2016.

      1. LOL, thanks Sunny!! Maybe I should change my log in to Posture Nazi :)! I’m so glad that you came back, I look forward to your comments along with others here who are so eloquent and thoughtful. Happy 2016 to you and yours!

        1. In my head Lauri from Ca you are ‘KMR’s posture queen’ – much better than a nazi. I didn’t fully understand the enormity of the issue until this Sunday’s side view in the tweed suit. Now I do.

    3. I’m glad that my coverage of other royal families has been so well received. So thank you all for reading those articles and commenting on them.

  16. Thank you, KMR, for a fantastic blog that informs and entertains every day. I hope you and all the regulars on this great forum, posters and lurkers, have a prosperous and healthy new year! Roll Tide.

  17. I tried to post before — wrote a nice piece — and I saw it did not appear. Just vanished. I said nothing negative or hurtful, so wonder what happened.
    So, let me try again.

    I want to say thank you again, KMR, for all your hard work and dedication to this blog. You offer a great site for us to come to on a consistent basis and I am impressed by your writing, research skills and your ability to be a peacekeeper!!! Congrats to you for such a successful blog! Thanks to the myriad of great comments from regulars and newbies, too. It’s nice to meet such good people through such a great blog.

    I agree with those who have posted concerning some of the newer commenters, who appear to be trolls. Get thee gone. Unless, you are truly sincere and want to play nicer.

    I was surprised that little Prince George stole the show from right out of his Mom’s black pumped feet. But, then, he really is quite a personality! Cute, cute, cute!

    I hope the Palace gets the message that people are really interested in the Royal Children and while we don’t want to invade too much of their privacy, a healthy dose of their cuteness goes a long way!

    I, too, love the Swedish Royals and wish them well as new babies will be arriving in 2016. Leonore is adorable! I just love her. And, Estelle? Just precious!

    The Monaco twins are also very appealing. The fact that the Swedes and Albert and Charlene give access to their children to the public is done with grace and love. I hope the Brits get that message.

    As for Harry, oh, how he needs to find love. We all know who would make a great wife for him.
    Oh, for another Royal Wedding in 2016. It’s not too soon. Harry just needs to be swept off those handsome feet!

    I’m continuing to hope that W&K will find a way to step forward and do the jobs they are expected to do with tremendous enthusiasm and compassion. Truly, seeing them succeed would be awesome! If they choose not to do it, though, let them fade away into the private world and allow someone else to step up in style! And, we know whom I refer to, right?

    KMR, your efforts are appreciated by us all. I seem to recall your writing that you are taking courses in another subject while keeping this blog going. I wish you continued success in all that you do. You can be imitated, but never ever will you be topped. You have launched the cream of the crop and you continue to maintain it so very well.

    Happy New Year to all. And, while it’s important to play nice, let’s not become so politically correct that the razzle dazzle of some of the most effective commenters are curtailed by not wanting to step on too many toes. Yes, it’s important not to slam each other, but it’s also good when opposing viewpoints are presented honestly and not in a phony attempt to stir the pot.

    Health and happiness to all!

    1. Hear, hear Mary Elizabeth! Razzle dazzle most wanted & needed. We mustn’t allow a sanitised version to be the only way forward – lest we become Kate ourselves. How ironic that would be.

      1. Thanks, JL. Now, that was the word I was looking for. “Sanitised.” I agree and love your comment that we could become Kate, ourselves. How ironic, indeed?

        I feel better that so many feel the same way. I was wondering if it was just me.
        Ah, thanks to everyone who has spoken out on this. It takes a bit of courage and then, wow, you choose the right words and something clicks.

          1. Great idea, Lisa. Who was it that said to ignore one of the trolls and identified that person as a troll several posts back? I think it was Overit. Thanks for that Overit:-)

    2. I think your previous comment got caught in moderation for some reason. But it did go through eventually and I commented on that comment above.

  18. Another great post KMR. I don’t post regularly but love reading all your posts and comments. Keep up the great work.

    The Swedish royal family were great this year, weddings, christenings and lots of fab tiaras and dresses. I’m excited to see how they handle things for 2016 with two Royal babies on the way.

    I also agree it will be interesting how W&K manage the media this coming year and fingers crossed they turn things around.

    I really do hope Harry meets someone great he so derserves it.

    Happy New year all 🙂

    1. From what I recall, Shiv, your posts have always been insightful! Thanks for that and post more (only if you feel comfortable, that is)!

    2. Thank you, Shiv. 2016 will be the year of Swedish royal babies with two births and two christenings on the horizon. And then we’ve got W&K’s India tour and QEII’s 90th birthday.

      1. And, God willing, Phillip will be 95 AND it’ll be W&K’s 5th wedding anniversary (already?!). 2016 will be an exciting year for the Swedes, Brits, and Spanish royals!

        I hope we see more from the Japanese Imperial Family too. I love CP Masako.

    1. That was such a great interview! Loving that little family right now. The twins are adorable, both parents well spoken and extremely comfortable with the kids. Thanks for sharing, Shiv 🙂

    2. Loved this video, those babies are so adorable. Kudos to Albert and Charlene for realizing the necessity of raising their children to understand the duties and responsibilities they have as well as the great privilege. Seeing a video like this underscores to me how little we know of the British royal children, such a shame.

      1. Lovely, video! Thanks, Shiv 🙂 I, too, love this family. They are just so in love with their babies. I agree with Lauri that they are “raising their children to understand the duties and responsibilities they have as well as the great privilege.”

    3. Thanks Shiv! How darn cute are these two little ones? Nothing brightens my day more than a baby or child.

      I was Christmas shopping a few weeks back and the crowds and lines were crazy busy. I ran into a stranger who was friendly and holding the most adorable little girl about 9 months old. She was all smiles! I ‘talked’ with the baby for a few minutes and told her she was my favorite person I saw all day. The mom was so sweet to allow me to talk with her little girl. It made my day.

      Albert and Charlene get it. They know, despite people being strangers, people honestly care about their son and daughter. The interview was wonderful. Charlene looked beautiful, the children too cute and Prince Albert engaging.

      I don’t think we will ever see something like this from W&K. At the very least they will wait until their children are much older. I already have little interest in PG and PC. By their actions, they are telling us not to care about them or their children. They are getting that wish from me.

      All I can say, is this effort on Prince Albert and Princess Charlene’s part, tells the public loud and clear that that they know people are interested in their children and they APPRECIATE their interest and kindness.

      1. Albert and Charlene do get it, as you say. They realise that it is a gift that people care and are interested in their children, a huge privilege bestowed on their family. It’s a shame W and K feel that public interest is an intrusion; really sad perspective on life.

        I had to chuckle. I checked the KMR post on the Mustique 2015 holiday where she thought George may want to bash his parents. it occurred to me that maybe he’s fed up with them too.

        Best wishes to all for 2016. I hope it is healthy, happy and fulfilling for everyone here.

    4. Watching the video now. Love it so much. As you all state, they simply get that you have to introduce the child (children) to the public. Especially in this day and age where no many support a monarchy.

      Charlene’s voice reminds me of Laura Bush!? Did anyone else get that? So strange. But she seems very hands-on. I do feel sorry for his other children. But I do think as a whole they ‘get it’ a bit. Similar to the Swedes.

  19. Regular reader but only an occasional poster wishing all of you a wonderful New Year! Thanks to our hostess for such a wonderful blog which attracts so many intelligent, thoughtful readers!

  20. Thank you KMR for allowing us to voice our opinions, laugh, and ponder with you. With all the craziness and dysfunction happening in the world, this blog offers a refreshing escape to put on our fashion police hat to dish on clothes, shoes and hats. I can’t wait to see what 2016 brings. For sure it will be an interesting one. Cheers!

    1. I know, Sunny. I have noticed that there have been some interesting posts. One talking about how Kate is out-staring (I know this is not a word, but hey, why not?) William. And now this..It’s like we have the Middleton camp trying to protect Kate in case the marriage doesn’t work out….Thanks for sharing 🙂 Interesting, indeed!

    2. Is it just me or are they angling for William to step aside so Kate can become Queen? If I read one more article about how Kate is sprinkled with royal fairy dust I think I ‘ll scream!

      1. Oh no, that would be so tragic! I really hope not. It does seem that way with the way they put down William and praise Kate. Perhaps, it’s Charles’ way to make William work more or perhaps, he is really angling for Harry to become king by putting down William…He is doing this a lot as of late. Perhaps, he is praising Kate to keep the children in line, but ultimately, put Harry in as king..You should watch “Reinventing the Royals” on youtube. Now that’s interesting!

        Part 1-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER-wEpFitvo

        Part 2-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WIqvb4IfkA

        I think deep down he knows that if the monarchy is to survive, he needs Harry…

      2. Those articles make me actually physically ill. 200, 000 a year just on beauty treatments will make any pig look polished. She has no class, has managed to flash every single private bit at the world, multiple times, and is spoiled, lazy and unwilling to work. It makes me sick that there are still naive little girls that look up to this horrible woman.

      3. I don’t think that would ever be possible. If Will were to go, so would Kate. She is only royal because she is married to him. She isn’t in line for the throne.

        There is some talk about what would happen if Will were to remove himself from the line of succession. Would he also take George and Charlotte out of line and pass it to Harry? But it’s all speculation and if it were to ever happen it would require and act of Parliament.

        1. Yeah, i realize that bookworm, it just seemed to me that with all the talk about Kate’s regalness, popularity and the generous sprinkling of royal fairy dust, they (the DM) are trying to make her (almost) worthy of being a Queen in her own right.

        2. There is no way Scarole would allow that she worked kate to hard to lasso willie. Anything less than hrh king willie and queen kate will be acceptable

    3. In some ways the article is really not saying much. You could sum it up by saying that Kate gave Will “the look.” But I think it’s more interesting that they seem to be slowing sharpening their knives and laying the groundwork. They are almost suggesting that the public should consider how happy their marriage is. Will and Kate have been the golden couple for so long that it is very interesting to watch the tide slowing turn against them.

      In 2016, it will be very interesting to see what happens next in the saga of Will VS. The Press.

      1. Yes, 2016 will be very interesting indeed. I can’t help wonder what papers they (the DM) are reading when they (the DM) state that Kate’s popularity is rising, it sure isn’t in their comment section.

      2. I think DM is making a move to try and stir trouble between them. This is just my opinion, but I think many blame Will’s negative attitude toward just about everything to the Midds influence over the past ten plus years. Any kind of disruption between W&K gives the media a sword to demand more access or it can get nastier. 2016 is going to ring in the fight.

  21. The crazy trolls are easy to spot, and we’ve had some doozies on KMR!

    Sometimes, though, you don’t realize someone is trying to make trouble until they’ve commented a couple of times. If it sounds fishy to you, don’t feed it. But don’t feel bad if you reply, then realize after that you’ve been drawn in. Just “walk” away, we’ll always forgive you for an honest mistake ;). Trolls really don’t want to debate, they just want to set off dirty bombs and sit back for the aftermath.

    Thanks to you all, and best wishes for 2016

    1. You are 100 percent correct, Ray! And I fell for the bait. Hook, line and sinker. Oh well. I have learned. But, boy, they make you angry–and then you react in ways that your normally wouldn’t. I then noticed that I was overcompensating and writing more unfriendly posts about Kate. Human nature is interesting, for sure. I will add that KMR has certainly made it if trolls are trying to stir up problems on her blog–because someone doesn’t want the blog to be successful, JMO.

          1. Nah. Don’t feel bad. I’m actually watching and waiting to see if they pounce again. You and me with the conspiracy theory. I went from “it must be Kate on camouflage” to her siblings then her mother then KP. Alas we will never know.

  22. Thanks for a great year, KMR! You do a really great job and I love reading, even if I don’t always comment. I remember lurking on your blog long, long ago when it was the yellow theme. It’s come a long way since then – Congratulations!

    1. Hi bookworm! Oh wow, the yellow theme. That’s a throwback. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Happy New Year!

  23. KMR, thank you for the recap, as well as, all the posts this year. You are to be commended for the great work you do for us. Yours is the first website I log into each morning, and I am so grateful that the pictures, videos and great re-caps will continue on. I love KMR, all the comments, and all the personalities that make this blog one of the best.
    I hope everyone has a great new year full of happiness, joy and new royal babies…

    1. I meant to put, agreed, here. Sometimes, I reply in the wrong places. Sorry, cloudycat! I like you username btw..very unique 🙂

  24. Thank you, KMR! I hope you know how much your hard work and dedication have meant to us! This blog is a haven of kindred spirits for me and it always cheers me up to read your fascinating and hilarious posts and then all the insightful comments. This is my favorite blog ever and my life would be less bright and interesting without all of you. Thank you, KMR!

  25. I do enjoy all the information about the royals posted on this block.The Royals are for me a relict of the past since I was raise in communism. It’s like a trip in time machine, where princesses still exist. I wish you all everything best in New Year and occasionally I will pick here to check if monarchy still exist. I do enjoy the fashion and sometimes I need a forum to express my opinion.

    1. Wow! Really, Ale, you were raised in communism? So, were my folks as they are from Poland. Where are you from? You can answer that if you feel comfortable answering…

  26. Runner! You are a curious George! And full of energy judging by the number of your posts. But, yeh I was raised in the world where everybody was equal and no human bowed to another human being. Kings and princesses lived only in children books and history books……ah, anyway system didn’t work in a long run due to many factors and now I live in brutal, greedy world of capitalism on Long Island, NY. Back to reality…I hope in 2016 KMR will post more info about crown princess Mary of Denmark. Many and I mean many outfits worn by Kate in 2012 and 2013 were copied from her. Anyway she dresses really great.

    1. Thanks for sharing Ale. I was curious too, so I’m glad Runner asked. Agreed about Mary; she’s a very interesting person, and I think she’s one that is usurping the usual interest in BRF. With people like Mary around, she cuts a fashionable, innovative figure while being a relatable person.

      1. I also believe the Mary situation should give us hope for Rhiannon…..Mary if I’m right met her husband in a bar in Sydney during the Olympics. No years of chasing a prince I assume just love pretty much at first sight. The BRF would really benefit from some new blood, so let’s hope for all our sakes Rhiannon gets to meet her prince this year.

        1. Yes, she did. No stalking involved. Bright woman with what they call a ‘job’ that you perform for a ‘salary’ so that you can pay, wait for it, your way in life. Radical, I know.

    2. I know, Ale, I write too much. I have had a break from work so that has been part of it. Also, my work requires a lot of sitting at the computer, researching and writing. I can get very burned out–so I come here to talk. It’s a good outlet as my work demands a lot from my brain. I also can find myself not getting very much done–and since I am self-employed, this is not very good at all….2016 will be the year of balance 🙂

      1. Runner! I wish you everything best in 2016, most of all health, happiness and stamina so you can acomplish your self assigned tasks. It’s always pleasure to read your posts.

  27. KMR, thanks for your great blog. I really enjoy it here. I’m new but everyone is so welcoming, kind and informative–as are your great posts!

    1. I wanted to thank you for your great comments too, Ellie! I know you shared some tough stuff the other day and am hoping that you are ok. If you need anything, you know that we are here for you:-)

      1. Oh, thank you so much. That’s so sweet. I’m fine! I feel a bit weird how upset I got over that mental health thing, but man. It got me riled up.

        My Christmas has been so depressing. Our old, old cat is going south (he’s 22 or so), and so we will be putting him to sleep soon. It just makes me sad but he’s not been in good health for a few years, broke a leg and it’s just time. Doesn’t make it any easier. I was about 7 when he showed up at our doorstep, knowing where he’d be loved forever.

        Reading KMR has been a nice distraction, honestly. I really enjoy reading everyone’s commentary.

        1. You know, it’s so true that cats choose who they will love and live with. How fantastic to get to 22+ kitty years; lucky boy. I hope he can live out his days in as much comfort as possible; I’m sure you will ease any pain he might feel and see him through to the end with great care and compassion. I hope you have a wonderful vet who will give you the best advice possible. You have, absolutely, loved kitty forever. My thoughts are with you. Please be kind to yourself too.

          1. Oh, BamaLynn, how lucky you are to have a full house! I think it’s cat’s secret business that they choose us, allowing us to think we are in charge. Fat chance!

          2. I just want to hug everyone here!

            My dad (he now lives with my father and stepmother, as he has since I got married six years ago) stepped on the poor little guy’s leg. He’s not been doing so well for a few years, but is a fighter and keeps hanging on. My dad is beside himself, but he also has the unfortunate habit of making everything all about him–no one can grieve as much as he can for him, you know! Tempers the grief about losing the cat with anger about my dad’s behavior. He was upset my mom wanted to talk to the cat on the phone. My mom was the one who let me keep him all those years ago. She has a right to say goodbye. He is one loved kitty, that’s for sure.

            BamaLynn if I had my way we’d have more cats! I have two, technically three I suppose for a bit longer. My son who is 3.5 says we need 18. 🙂

            Anyway. I wanted to say I read everyone’s posts and think of everyone when they talk about things they are going through. It’s a lovely group of folks here. One reason I love the internet–yes, you find trolls and people who hide behind it, but it’s so nice to meet people who are interested in the same things you are or just know what you’re dealing with when in real life it can be a difficult enterprise to find it.

        2. My heart is saddened by what you are going through, Ellie. I wish you peace of mind and heart. I loved what you said about your cat showing up on your doorstep so many years ago knowing he had found a place where he’d be loved forever. That is beautiful. And, true. What a wonderful home you have given this loving pet. I had a cat for 20 years and lost him several years ago It’s hard to explain in words, but I still feel that he is with me and I believe I am with him.

          I’m glad this blog is a positive place for you to visit. I wish you and your beloved cat the best. May you find comfort in knowing what a loving home your cat has had for so many years.

        3. Oh. Ellie, I am so so sorry. When I read about your cat and then you father, my heart broke. We have two senior citizen cats at our home, and they truly are family. One is the office cat–and gives me the stink eye when I am not being productive. JK! I really hope that hope that your precious cat gets the best care possible. 22 years old is amazing! That’s so fantastic he lived that long.

          But, you had him since you were 7, and I am sure he was the cuddly friend that was there for you through the ups and downs. They really are precious friends. Well, you are in my thoughts and prayers and please do reach out and talk about it if you need to get things off your chest. We are here for you!

        4. Your son is right, 18 is a good number of cats to have. I am hoping, like everyone else here, that kitty might rally. I’m sure he knows how much he is loved.

  28. Yes it is good that this blog (forum?) exists. It gives you more room to comment than the DM website. Although I am confused as to why it’s called Kate Middleton Review and not ‘Royal Review’ or similar as it covers all the royal families?? Let’s not encourage Kate thinking that everything is about her…

    1. I too, have often wondered why the D of C, is still so heavily referred to as Kate Middleton in the press. It is some subtly insulting way of the press reminding readers she is not of aristocratic stock, or they just do not respect her as a person or is it just the opposite, reminding the public she is a non-aristo who got lucky. I remember that when Diana was Princess of Wales, many times she was still referred to as Lady Di (which I think she did not like). Or is it that Kate Middleton is just easier to say. I would think the press would just refer to her as Duchess Kate or even Kate Cambridge.

      1. It’s for a couple reasons: She built a “brand” for years as “Kate Middleton” and the press tagged and categorized her as “Kate Middleton” so they still call her that for their own consistent records and searching. Also because the public still thinks of her as “Kate Middleton” and still searches for her by that name most, over her title – online press especially is going to refer to her by whichever name will most likely show up in search results.

        1. Could be to stick one up to Wills as well since he was the one who decided she be known as Catherine following her marriage….despite everyone else knowing her as ‘Kate’. Press are always trying to get back at William for not allowing them as much access as they’d like.

    2. Because this blog started as purely covering Kate. It expanded to Pippa Middleton in late 2013, though that stopped by early 2014 because people were not interested. I started covering Princess Madeleine just a tad when she announced her pregnancy, then more when she gave birth – and then more of the rest of the Swedish royal family. I covered Cressida Bonas when she was around. Then I expanded to Princess Charlene a tad due to a request, then to Sophie and Camilla in the second half of 2014. Then into more royals in 2015 after people requested I cover them. Then I decided I liked covering certain royals so I continued. I tried covering Prince Harry solo in early 2014 but people were not interested so I stopped, but then this year people requested I cover him and he became a favorite so I continued to cover him.

      The blog started as purely about Kate, then expanded. That’s why it’s called “Kate Middleton Review” as opposed to something more general.

      1. It’s just amazing how much you have done over the years. Though I am new to the blog, I am really quite impressed how you have the ability to cover so much. Kate Middleton Review is perfect because from what I see (and the little time I have been on the blog), it still seems that the focus point is Kate.

  29. Happy New Year KMR and everyone who posts on this amazing blog.

    What a wonderful place to come and share thoughts and learn new things It’s addictive! But, in the most positive way.

    KMR, you are an amazing and hard worker. Your words flow so beautifully and you always give us something to explore with great thought and fun. It’s been so good to come here over the years and I’m looking forward to jumping back into the comments more as Madeleine continues to thrive. Again, my thanks to such caring people who said such supportive things during my pregnancy and after Maddie entered the world I really appreciate your thoughtful ways more than words can say and wish each of you tons of good wishes in return.

    I think the subject of trolls came up at a perfect time. I was feeling a bit put out by recent ones, but as Ray suggests, don’t be sorry if you get drawn in, but then get pulled out.

    I think this blog is getting world-wide notice and has set such a positive tone. You have done such a wonderful job, KMR and I wish you and everyone a New Year filled with happiness and good health. May the happy times outnumber the troubling ones and if anyone needs to vent about a problem, feel free to do so. You will, no doubt, receive good advice and a huge amount of TLC. Such a fine group of people you all are!

    1. I am new to the blog so I did miss some stuff regarding your pregnancy. I was a lurker, but not a consistent one. Congrats on your new little one! I remember when my little one was that age. Treasure that time because the time goes fast! I am so happy that little Madeleine is thriving–and what a beautiful name, Jenny!

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