Tag: Middleton

British Royals Camilla Duchess of Cornwall Kate Middleton Pregnancy Zara Phillips

Camilla hopes for the end of the week/Kate writes a letter/Uncle Gary is a lunatic

Camilla did an engagement in Cornwall and while revealing a plague to commemorate her visit, said, “We are all just waiting by the telephone. We are hopeful that by the end of the week he or she will be here.”  All the press outlets are jumping on that saying that the baby will definitely be […]

Annoying Articles Pregnancy

The Midds will be the best grandparents ever! Oh, and the Queen and Charles are around, too.

Ugh, this article deserves a post of its own it is that awful.  It is titled, Queen and Charles will dote on child, but spends the first chunk putting down George V and Mary as horrible and unfeeling grandparents and then spouts on and on about how great and doting the Middleton’s will be as […]

Fashion Pippa Middleton

Pippa has no style: Finally the Daily Mail is catching on

Oh my gawd!  The Daily Mail has an article up all about Pippa’s awful style sense.  I have thought for a long time that Pippa had no taste in clothes and didn’t know how to put an outfit together, but the DM continually lauded her dress sense and tried to push on us that Pips […]

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