62 years ago today, Elizabeth became Queen

62 years ago today, Elizabeth became Queen

Today, February 6th, is the Accession Day of Queen Elizabeth II.  62 years ago, on February 6th, 1952, King George VI died in his sleep at Sandringham and Princess Elizabeth became Queen.

Here is a BBC News article with a slideshow and information about the events surrounding George’s death and Elizabeth’s accession. The article is from 2012–the 60th anniversary–but it’s still interesting.

The Express has a “10 facts about monarchs” list of random facts about previous monarchs (I love history, so I think it’s interesting).

Here’s a video from British Pathe with archive footage from the time of George’s death (clicking below will take you to their website where the video plays):


One thought on “62 years ago today, Elizabeth became Queen

  1. queen bee needs to step down and let the younger ones take over, whether they are lazy or not, anyway she wont be around forever, so let it be!

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