Tag: Day 18

Fashion Kate Middleton Prince William Royal Tour

Kate wears white, and no jewelry, for final night in OZ

William and Kate attended a reception at Government House—named Yarralumla—in Canberra, hosted by the Governor General of Australia, Sir Peter Cosgrove, to end Day 18—their last night in OZ.  There were about 100 guests from the arts, business, charity, conservation, and sporting industries, as well as surviving recipients of the Victoria Cross.  The Governor General […]

Fashion Kate Middleton Prince William Royal Tour

Kate wears bright green for day in Canberra

We have reached Day 18, the penultimate day of the Royal Tour of Australia and New Zealand.  Prince William and Kate Middleton spent their next-to-last day in Canberra—the capital of Australia.  They visited the National Arboretum, where they planted a tree (and by “planted” I mean they threw dirt over and already planted tree) and […]

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